How Your Cosmetic Dentist Can Help Transform Your Smile

Transforming your smile is something many people desire. Your cosmetic dentist in Hamilton Square, NJ offers the services you require. Dr. Polina Vaynblat and Dr. David Finkelstein at Kuser Family Dental have a team of professionals who will make your dental experience positive. 

Your smile is how you greet people and having a smile you are proud of raises your confidence and self-esteem. Many things can cause you to be dissatisfied with the way your teeth look and visiting a cosmetic dentist gives you the smile you dream of. Some of the issues that can be corrected are: 

  • Fill the gaps between teeth
  • Cover broken or damaged teeth
  • Replace missing teeth
  • Whiten teeth 
  • Fix chipped teeth

Fill the gaps between teeth

The official term for the gap between your teeth is called diastema. This makes some people self-conscious. It is not something you need to live with. With cosmetic dentistry, filling the gap with natural-looking teeth is as easy as choosing veneers or bonding to correct the problem. Both of these will make the gap disappear. The look is completely natural and no one will be the wiser. 

Cover broken or damaged teeth

Damaged or broken teeth can be painful as well as unsightly. A crown is a covering made from resin, porcelain, ceramic, metal, or a combination of materials. The natural tooth is filed down to fit under the crown and depending on the tooth, a root canal may be performed. The tooth is then covered and the crown is cemented into place. 

Replace missing teeth

When it comes to replacing missing teeth, your cosmetic dentist in Hamilton Square, NJ will give you a couple of options. You can choose a bridge that attaches to the adjacent teeth or an implant that is a titanium screw placed in your jaw as the anchor for a crown. Both of these give a natural-looking result. 

Teeth whitening

Professional teeth whitening gives you a dazzling smile. The result is dramatic. Hydrogen peroxide is applied to your teeth in the dentist's office and in an hour you leave with teeth that are significantly whiter. The results last for many months, as long as you take good care of your teeth. 

Fix chipped teeth

A chipped tooth can be very unsightly. It is easily corrected. Depending on the size of the chip, bonding is the most common way to fill the space that has been chipped.

If you need a cosmetic dentist in Hamilton Square, NJ, at Kuser Family Dental, Dr. Vaynblat, and Dr. Finkelstein welcome new patients and provide the services you want. Call for an appointment at 609-585-8480.

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